Ivory Coast’s Societe Multinationale de Bitumes may more than double bitumen production capacity by 2020 to meet demand for the construction material used in road projects in West and Central Africa.
To mark this milestone, Argus Asia-Pacific and Middle East Bitumen 2014 has a bold new agenda with many new interactive elements. Over the past decade this has become a must-attend event for the bitumen trade industry, offering unparalleled networking opportunities and an esteemed line-up of speakers.
The methods along with several others sacrifice the quality of Bitumen to its quantity, yielding a low-quality and Bitumen-like substance and thus able to sell the product below the market price.
It is an opportunity for our ruling elites to be creative: and kill two birds with one stone, by finding a positive use for plastic waste whiles weather-proofing Ghana’s road network
Asian refiners are increasingly replacing costlier crude oil with a low-value oil product to produce higher value fuels, in an attempt to control costs and stem a decline in profitability.
The post war development programmes in the war torn Northern and Eastern provinces too have prioritized rehabilitation and reconstruction of the entire road net work. New Expressway projects connecting strategic regional cities of the country adds more demand for Bitumen in the country